2013년 1월 11일 금요일


롤리팝2핑크 팝니다 셀

Ode to my 2g phone

Dear 2g phone, 2g phone
your so blue and white.
I'm scared to wake you up
cause your back might break someday

2g phone 2g phone
you have so many scars.
They're all over your face.
You need plastic surgery.

2g phone 2g phone
I'ts hard to punch you
cause your so little like an ant.
I really need to touch.

2g phone 2g phone
I want to change you someday.
Your so dumb like fish
I need a smarter phone

your friend, Dohyun.

댓글 5개:

  1. Dohyun,

    I like how you used repetition throughout your ode. It is well-done but try to use more descriptive language and metaphors when writing an ode.

  2. 작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

  3. Donald,
    It is me your mom.
    you should write " you are" instead of "your".
    You are so dumb like fish. You are so blue.
    please love your phone. It is your phone that makes you communicate with your friends,even though it is slow and not pretty. It has devoted its life for you. you should not betray it. Hahaha.

  4. Hi!
    Nice ode to your 2g phone! You made good use of repetition, but you have to try to use more personifications and metaphors. Keep working hard~

    -Yongwook, Oh (Writing TA)

  5. Hey it was really touching ode haha^^
    And I really love the rhymes that you used for the 2g phone!
    Nice Ode~!
